To you, my visitor, whether you be a new visitor to my world, or an old friend dropping by, I bid you Merry Meet and welcome. You will see changes to these pages, as I myself have changed.


As in all change, some has been positive, and some not so. I feel that any change is learning, and in that learning, we grow. I have made many new friends, and sadly, some have faded out of my life. To those revisiting, you will notice a change in the look of my pages. Less of the "Lone Wolf" shows through, and more of the Celtic Spirit has taken her place.

I invite you to venture further into these pages. Each is a piece to the puzzle that is me. You will find out who still holds a part of the Lady's heart, and if you look close enough, you'll see glimpses of the inner self that I myself have found. Shall we take the first step on the journey?

Friends & Family

Graphics design beautifully created by Sheyzz, please visit her site for more lovely designs!

Thank you Shey, for my first award!